
#CaliforniaDreaming Visitor Campaign

Goal: To increase our "likes" and followers on social media outlets. Specifically -- trying to engage high school students and their parents prior to senior year.

Plan: Use on-campus digital advertising to promote our social media outlets. If you "like" or follow one of our pages, you can receive a #CaliforniaDreaming sticker that can be placed on your laptop, locker, desk at home etc. We are using our advantageous location to promote out of state applications. All original artwork. We will also be piloting a program to bring the stickers on the road for fairs.

For those in-state, we have a #SantaClaraDreaming sticker option as well.

Newsletter for High School Counselors

Goal: To notify our external partners at the high school level about any relevant updates or news related to Undergraduate Admission or Santa Clara University.

Plan: Distribute quarterly to a virtual mailing list of thousands of high school counselors, independent counselors and community based organization counselors.

eCampus Notification Applicant Postcard

Goal: In a day in age where all communication is digital, this is our sole print piece that we send out to applicants to verify we have received their application. To notify our external partners at the high school level about any relevant updates or news related to Undergraduate Admission or Santa Clara University.

Plan: Distribute to applicants in a timely manner after receiving their application. For both transfer and freshmen applicants.

Early Decision Notification Postcard

Goal: To notify our external and internal partners about the new application option for incoming freshmen candidates.

Plan: Distributed to a mailing list of thousands of high schools, community based organizations and internal departments at SCU.

**NOTE: this piece was a collaborative piece with one of my student workers at the time, Chris Zamarripa, who has since graduated from SCU.**

"Pick Me SCU" - Facebook marketing campaign
October 2011 - February 2012

Goal: To engage our applicants and prospective students with our Facebook page.

Plan: Created splash page for Facebook, blogspot, and paper flyers advertising the social media contest. Advertised at college fairs, visits and Open House on campus event. Grand prize announced in May.



Results: TBD

"Operation Heart" - Facebook marketing campaign
March - April 2011 (now annual campaign)

NOTE: This project is an annual project and is going strong! Check out to see this year's photos.

Goal: To increase "likes" of the Undergraduate Admission facebook page, engage newly admitted freshmen, and create excitement about SCU.

Plan: Sent out "SCU Loves Me" sign to all admitted students for fall 2011 along with acceptance letters. Instructions on the back of the sign encourages students to "like" the Undergraduate facebook page and post a picture of themselves holding up the sign. We promised them a small token (SCU lanyard) in return.

Results: 441% increase in "likes" from March 1 through May 1.

Over 200 posts of students holding "SCU Loves Me" signs, getting excited, being creative with posts. And with lots of interaction between admitted students, representing and showcasing their talents, their geographic location and what makes them unique.

Congratulations Brochure - revamped admitted student packet (1st version in 2008)

Link to see online version: Congratulations Brochure - entering class for fall 2011

Goal: To upgrade the look and feel of the loose pieces of black and white paper students received to encourage them to enroll at SCU and make the "next steps."

Plan: Collaborate with the departments involved in welcoming newly enrolled freshmen (ie: housing, orientation, bursar, financial aid, student life etc.) to create a published piece which celebrated their admission to the university and provided necessary information on how to "Become a Bronco." It took a lot of proposals, meetings and effort to get the necessary buy-in from over 12 departments in order to make this idea a reality for the entering class for fall 2008.

Result: A successful brochure which increased customer satisfaction, improved internal communication between departments, improved customer service, served as an internal departmental resource guide and has been replicated since 2008 for every admitted class.